Saturday, August 29, 2009

Easily Entertained

Ok, so it has been many moons since I've posted anything. I know that you are waiting for updates on my potty training experience. Well, it didn't happen. I won't even get into the details because I'll get frustrated and then I'll have to go and take a Valium. I've promised myself no Valium until November. :)

So, what have you been doing in the meantime, you ask? Well, school started and it's back to the grind. We have so many kids with so many special needs that it's hard to accommodate everyone. I do have some funny stuff from the first few weeks of school, though. We have a whole bunch of new students who are refugees from Somalia. They are all having their first experience in school, so, some of it is a little traumatic. After the first week, one of my team members, Miss Apolline, was teaching some of the Somali kids, and I came into the room for some reason. Later, Miss Apolline told me that after I left, the kids kept saying "Miss Murphy... Raaarrr...Somalia." After some investigation, and lots of gestures and picture cards, I found out that they were saying that they think I'm like the tigers in Somalia! Not sure if that's a compliment... in fact, I'm pretty sure that it isn't! The other day as I was in my version of what hell is going to be like (i.e. my afternoon daycare bus duty), one of the boys told me "Miss Murphy, you pretty cool for a white lady!" How does one respond in a politically correct way to that?? So, I just said, "Well, thanks!"
So, that's the sum total of my life! It's not very interesting, and I'm certainly never going to set the world on fire, but it keeps me busy and provides endless hours of entertainment!

I also got a dog. His name is LeStat. We think he's a pit bull, but who knows? He is the love of my life!! He's so funny and entertaining. When I come home, he can hardly contain himself... it's so nice to come home to that! He's very smart... which is a step up for me in the dog department. My last dog didn't have 3 brain cells. I've trained him to ring a bell on the back door when he wants to go outside. He knows 'sit' and 'stay'. Now, whether he actually obeys the commands when I want him to is an entirely different story, but he DOES know them! We go to the dog park everyday, and I have to say that he's getting me in shape! 18 lbs. lost and counting!! I sure do love that little bugger!!!

Til next time!!! :)

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