Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Shameless Plug for Early Literacy

As you all know, I'm an elementary school teacher. Not only do I love to teach my students to read, from time to time, I try to impart my wisdom *insert eye roll here* with others who are teaching their kids early literacy skills. One of my favorite children's authors is Lois Ehlert. Her books are wonderful for little ones because they are so colorful, and the story lines are short and concise (a plus for little ones with short attention spans!). I love her book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. There is a really catchy song that goes with it, and as I was getting my lesson plans ready for the first week of school, I found it on YouTube. I hope that you and your little ones will enjoy learning the alphabet in a new and fun way with the song! If you've already read the book and know the song, go and check out some of Lois Ehlert's other books. Growing Vegetable Soup is another one that I love. We read that every year and actually make vegetable soup in the classroom (in a crock pot), and we plant a vegetable of their choice. These are easy things that you can do at home with your little ones, if you have time!! I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Potty Training 101

OK, so I've agreed to potty train Ariana. I think that I may live to regret this. As you know, I don't have any children, and there is a reason for that.
I've been doing much research, and I've decided that the best way is to ply her with juice and water. Then we spend the whole day on and off of the potty. We'll see what happens! I may have to change my battle plan. The whole purpose of doing this is because I want her to go to Preschool, but they won't accept her because she isn't potty trained. So, therefore, it falls to 'Guaya' (pronounced why-yu(Ariana's name for me because she can't say "Tia")) to do it!
This, of course, is after I undo all of the trauma that she's already experienced because she's getting yelled at all the time for not doing it right. Sheesh!!
Anyway, there will updates to record my efforts for posterity, (and if I ever have a kid, I need to remember what worked.)
If there are any of you readers who have pointers, tips, or what NOT to do's, please share!! I'm desperate!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Organizing My VERY Disorganized Life

Well, I have lived in this house for almost 5 years now, and I'm no closer to the home of my dreams than I was the day that I moved in. I blame in on a divorce, on and off again boyfriend, new job, and stuff like that. Of course, it couldn't be that I'm a professional procrasitnator...
So, that being said, I have decided to turn my house into the home of my dreams... on a budget. I'm starting with the kitchen and the laundry 'closet'. The best idea I've gotten for my kitchen is a "cooking caddy". I can put all of my oils, salt, pepper, garlic salt, etc. in it, and when I go to cook, all I have to take out is the caddy! I know... sounds like common sense, but for me it was an epiphany!
Anyway, I'm on my way to decorating and organization... keep ya posted!

Monday, July 20, 2009

First time Blogger

Well, I've decided to join the blogging craze. Not that there are THAT many people who are interested in my life... I just thought that for those are, you need a place to see what my life is REALLY like. I can assure you, it is chock full of entertainment, because it seems like I'm a magnet for the weird and downright ridiculous. So, without further ado, I will present.... MURF'S MEANDERING MIND!!